· Baby · 4 min read

Why is my baby crying?

There are several reasons related to crying. In this article you will read the six most common causes of crying.

There are several reasons related to crying. In this article you will read the six most common causes of crying.


Hunger is the most common reason for a baby to cry. In addition, this is the first thing parents think. Unfortunately, crying loudly is usually the last hunger signal. It is very useful for parents to be able to recognize the early signs of hunger, such as:

  • The baby sleeps less deeply or is on alert with open eyes.
  • The baby makes searching movements. For example, the baby turns the head to the left and right and searches for the breast with his mouth open.
  • The baby is touching its face.
  • The baby makes noises such as sucking its fist or finger.
  • The baby moves its tongue out and tastes its lips.

To be able to recognize the first signs of hunger in time, it is important to spend enough time with your newborn baby during the maternity week and observe the baby’s eating behavior.

Dirty diaper

Most babies don’t like wet diapers, but they also don’t like poopy diapers. That is why they cry so that parents understand that it is time to change them. Of course, this is not the case with every baby. There are babies who have absolutely no problem with a dirty diaper. If parents know that the baby has pooped or peed, they should change the diaper on time. A dry diaper ensures a calm baby and prevents irritation to the buttocks.


Most babies suffer from colic in the first few weeks after birth. Some babies experience it more intensely than others. The main cause of colics is an immature digestive system. How can parents recognize if the baby has colic?

  • The pain starts after eating and usually occurs in the afternoon or at night.
  • The baby is restless, cries very loudly, and is sometimes inconsolable.
  • The baby may stretch excessively and kick his legs.
  • The baby clenches his fists.
  • While crying, the baby can defecate and the stool may be hard.

Colic can start in the first 2-3 weeks and usually lasts until 7-8 weeks of age. After three to four months the digestive system and intestines have developed and the cramps disappear on their own.


A baby who is restless immediately after eating may be suffering from trapped air that has been swallowed. Many babies drink too quickly or without a break during feeding, resulting in them swallowing too much air. That’s why it’s a good idea to stop once or twice during feeding to allow the baby to burp. After feeding, it is a good idea to hold the baby upright for 15-20 minutes before sleeping.


A tired baby has difficulty falling asleep and that is why he becomes restless and cries. To prevent this it is useful to recognize sleep signals and put the baby to bed on time. In addition, it is useful to have a routine around sleeping, for example by using less light or a swaddle blanket or a hot water bottle.

External stimuli

A newborn baby has to deal with many stimuli from the daily environment. Life was easy in the womb but now it’s outside and the first few weeks are a transition period.

There are a few things about this transition that could be mentioned:

  • The baby needs to regulate the temperature.
  • The baby comes from dark to light.
  • The baby comes into an environment with more noise.
  • The baby must get used to the clothes and a dry environment.
  • The biggest challenge for the baby is eating. During the pregnancy feeding through the umbilical cord was easy, but now he has to manage on his own.

The above are the most common reasons for a baby to cry. You can always consult your midwife or maternity nurse during the first week of the postpartum period to get personalized advice. If questions arise later, you can always contact the consultatiebureau.

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